Author: ahla

Development of Digital Health Literacy Instruments for Students of The Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

AUTHOR: HAIKAL, ENNY RACHMANI, BAYU YONI SETYO NUGROHO, MUHAMMAD IQBAL, DEVI ADE NIRMALASARI, SLAMET ISWORO* Background and Objective: In the health sector, students’ ability to filter incoming information and make sound decisions is critical. The purpose of this research is to create a digital health literacy measurement tool for health students. Methods: This research is a study of developing a digital health literacy measurement tool for health faculty students whose validity and reliability have been tested. Online questionnaires were distributed to 337 active students. The questionnaire went through several stages of development, including literature review, expert review, trial and field test. Results: The questionnaires related to digital competence and health literacy were used to conduct the literature review. Following various reviews, the main references for this research are “Digital competency framework for citizens-DigComp 2.1” and “Health literacy scale.” According to the expert’s opinion, the invalid (unimportant) questions were “I can distinguish appropriate and inappropriate digital content to share on social media so that my privacy and that of others are not jeopardized.” and “I know how to find useful health information on the internet.” Questions were removed in order to be distributed to trials. According to the test results, all questions meet the validity assumption.  The Pilot Test results were tested on 337 respondents during the field test stage to ensure that all valid questions and question items were accepted. Discussion: This study...

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Development and Validation of Digital Health Literacy Competencies for Citizens (DHLC), an Instrument for Measuring Digital Health Literacy in The Community

AUTHOR: ENNY RACHMANI, HAIKAL HAIKAL, ETI RIMAWATI Abstract: COVID-19 is a new disease in human life and has become pandemic. Pandemic Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has been speeding up digital transformation in every sector. Implementation of digital technology in health should be supported by the community’s readiness, such as digital health literacy to achieve the goals, optimize health service performance, and blockage infodemics and miss information. Implementation of digital technology in health should be supported by the community’s readiness, such as digital health literacy to achieve the goals, optimize health service performance, and blockage infodemics and miss information. This study aims to develop a tool to measure digital health literacy in the community through three stages such as expert review, pre-test and field test. DHLC adopted the five competencies areas into 18 questions and put eight questions related to health literacy; the total items question of DHLC are 26 items questions. This study reveals that all of the score digital competencies areas below 4. Score 4 in DHLC indicates that the community still need guidance to doing activity in the digital environment. Elevating digital health literacy in the citizens is urgent to control the spreading misinformation and disinformation that could worsen pandemics. Future studies need to conduct to test the validity and reliability of DHLC in various settings.   Keywords: Digital competencies; Digital literacy; eHealth literacy; Health literacy; Indonesia Link:...

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Acceptance and Use of PeduliLindungi Application in Patients Based on Digital Health Literacy Competence

Author: Nabila Nur Aisya, Enny Rachmani, Laila Chuvita.   PeduliLindungi is a COVID-19 tracking application with a QR Code feature officially used for contact tracing in Indonesia. District General Hospital (RSUD) Tugurejo Semarang already has a QR Code Scan to enter the building. However, many patients havenotused to utilizethe scanner. Therefore, the researcher aimed to determine the acceptance and use of the PeduliLindungi app based on patients’ digital literacy competence at RSUD Tugurejo, Semarang City. The research was descriptive and distributed questionnaires to 100 outpatients. The results showed that 41% of outpatients could use social media to communicate, and 31% used the internet to find health information. 54% of patients strongly agree that PeduliLindungi helped control Covid-19. The app’s acceptance and use were mainly in patients aged 18–27. Patients with education who did not graduate from high school had the lowest average usage, 51.29. The difference in digital literacy competency scores between female and male patients was relatively high, namely 136.6 in women and 124.46 in men. The average digital literacy competence in the expert category was 61.05. Education regarding the PeduliLindungi app is necessary, especially for patients in the non-productive age group. Keywords: PeduliLindungi, Digital Literacy, Covid-19, Health  ...

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The Correlation Between e-Health Literacy Competencies and Self-management of COVID-19 Disease (Case Study of Health Information Managements Students in Semarang)

Author: Enny Rachmani, Haikal Haikal, Eti Rimawati, M. G. C. Yuantari, Anasthasya Nisrina Arifin, Prima Pratiwi, Krhisna Prymaditya Achmad   Introduction: Mass open communication via social media and the internet causes infodemics and information gaps. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a driving force in global adoption of digital technology such as the internet, including in Indonesia. Individuals need eHealth literacy to assess the information they are overwhelmed with critically. This study is the first paper exploring eHealth literacy related to self-management COVID-19. Method: This study used a case study approach. An online questionnaire was distributed to health information management (HIM) vocational students of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro and got 245 responses. The questionnaire was constructed and modified from eHeals and Corona Virus disease advice for the public from WHO. Result: This study reveals that competency in evaluation information is the lowest score than competencies in access, managing, and integrating health information. This study found that eHealth literacy related to self-management COVID-19 (r = 2.69, p = 0.000) means competencies managing health information in HIM students relate to knowledge, attitude, and practice COVID-19. Discussion: This study found that 6.5% of HIM’s students still believe in conspiracy theory and politics; furthermore, 71.4% are still unsure how to respond to this issue. Future research needs to be conducted to explore eHealth literacy and Self-management COVID-19 in the community and compare them with this study.   Keywords: COVID-19; Deception; Digital health literacy; eHealth literacy; Self-Management   Link:...

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Fakultas Kesehatan UDINUS Kembangkan Instrumen Baru (DHLC) Untuk Mengukur Literasi Kesehatan di Masyarakat

Teknologi yang semakin berkembang membuat perubahan perilaku pada manusia. Perkembangan teknologi yang dialami oleh masyarakat di seluruh dunia disebut dengan Industri Digital 4.0 dimana seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia terpapar oleh kemajuan teknologi termasuk sektor kesehatan. Walaupun kemajuan teknologi membawa banyak manfaat bagi kehidupan manusia, namun digitalisasi dalam kehidupan manusia dapat memberikan dampak negatif apabila tidak diimbangi dengan literasi digital yang baik. Sehingga kemampuan untuk memahami literasi digital sangat dibutuhkan. Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 mempercepat penggunaan digital dan internet dalam masyarakat. Digital literasi kesehatan sendiri adalah ketrampilan, pengetahuan dan praktek berkaitan dengan kesehatan yang dibutuhkan seseorang agar dapat berfungsi secara maksimal...

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