Author: ahla


  Fakultas Kesehatan Universitas Dian Nuswantoro sebagai bagian dari Asian Health Literacy Association (AHLA) ikut menghadiri Internasional Konferensi AHLA yang ke-10 yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 12-15 Mei 2024 di Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Dalam konferensi tahunan ini, Sri Handayani, S.KM., M.Kes selaku Dosen di Fakultas Kesehatan menempatkan posisi sebagai General Secretary pada AHLA Conference 2024. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil General Assembly Asian Health Literacy Association (AHLA), Dekan Fakultas Kesehatan, Enny Rachmani, S.KM., M.Kom., Ph.D ditunjuk sebagai Vice President. Dengan terbentuknya kerjasama ini, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas health literacy di Indonesia khususnya di Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. Fakultas Kesehatan Universitas...

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Literasi Informasi dan Perilaku Kesehatan Terhadp Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 Pada Siswa SD Sekayu Semarang

AUTHOR: FITRIA WULANDARI, LENCI ARYANI, ENI MAHAWATI Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has no certainty about its end, it requires preparedness, protection for children/educational facilities. The partner’s location is classified as a risk area, located in a residential area that is easily a place of direct transmission. The method of activity is counseling, demonstrations, discussions use the ppt, leaflet/booklet, MMT, X-banner. The material includes the PHBS in schools, covid-19 preparedness, selection and use of personal protective equipment, empowering little doctors as peer educators in adapting to new habits. Stimulants for personal protective equipment and hand sanitizers were given to support the facility’s completeness. The results showed that the entire stages had gone well, was followed by 17 participants with enthusiastic, understood the material presented, interactive in the discussion. It was concluded that all participants had the same perception of COVID-19 preparedness in a new habit era accompanied by a joint commitment to implementing the Covid-19 health protocol involving all school members. It is recommended for schools that empowering little doctors in schools in implementing the adaptation of new habits can be immediately realized and provided assistance so that it supports all school residents to carry out the 5M procedure properly, consistently, to prevent the covid-19 transmission chain at school.   Keywords: covid-19, information literacy, health behavior, new habits adaptation Link:...

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Digital Health Literacy Competencies of Students in Faculty of Health Science

AUTHOR: HAIKAL HAIKAL, ENNY RACHMANI, BAYU YONI SETYO NUGROHO, MUHAMMAD IQBAL, JAKA PRASETYA, SYAHIFFUL YUDI NUGROHO Abstract Background: Students are the most significant internet users in Indonesia. 49.52% of internet user groups in Indonesia are students. High internet users do not guarantee that digital health literacy is also high. Students at the Universitas Dian Nuswantoro health faculty are responsible for disseminating health information and transmitting digital health literacy interests. Health literacy skills are necessary for health students to sort out doubtful information. Good health literacy skills will impact students’ ability to assess incoming data and make appropriate health decisions. This study aims to describe the digital health literacy skills possessed by students of the Faculty of Health. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. Method: This descriptive study provides an overview/description of the digital health literacy skills possessed by students of the Faculty of Health. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. The research population of health students is 1.642 people with the sample being 321 students. Data collection using Google Forms and distributed through class groups in WhatsApp (WA) and communicated privately. The statistical test used descriptive statistical analysis. Results: Faculty of Health Science at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro students had an “Advanced” or “Independent-Advanced” level of competence. The advanced level indicates that their digital competencies and health information skills are at their current status and without problems. Indicators that digital health literacy can improve our safety....

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The Media Literacy Intervention to Reduce Intention to Smoke in Preadolescent

AUTHOR: NURJANAH, RETNO SUTOMO, FATWA SARI TETRA DEWI, PETER W. CHANG INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of smoking in Indonesia (10-18 years old) increased significantly from 7.2% in 2013 to 9.1% in 2018. Male students started smoking for the first time before 13 years old. Children were exposed to tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship from many media. The outdoor tobacco advertisements in Semarang City were 45% higher within 100-meter schools than within 100-300 meters. Students at schools with a medium and high density of outdoor tobacco advertising were up to 2.16 times more likely to smoke. Children who live in high-exposed tobacco influences need media literacy competencies. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the media literacy program to reduce smoking intention in preadolescent. METHODS: This study was was quasi experiment, as many as 76 elementary students participated in the intervention group and 68 in the control group. The intervention was Media Literacy for Preventing Young Smokers which consisted of five animation films and a book. Effectiveness of intervention was measured by paired t-test, and independent sample t-test was used to measure the difference between intervention and control groups. The path analysis was employed to know the effect of media literacy on attitudes, normative belief, expectation, self-efficacy, and intention to smoke. RESULTS: The first path analysis model showed that media literacy negatively affected smoking output expectation (-0.28), then smoking...

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Telemedical Literacy and Reproductive Health Literacy in Adolescents in The Urban Area

AUTHOR: KISMI MUBAROKAH, ARIF KURNIADI, DYAH ERNAWATI, NOVITA NUGRAENI, PUPUT NUR FAJRI Abstract: The Maternal Mortality Rate nationally has yet to gain the target of a drop of 183 per 100,000 live births. Telemedical literacy is an innovation to improve access to information and health services, including youth reproductive health. The study aims to analyze the correlation between telemedical literacy and reproductive health literacy in adolescents in the Middle Semarang Subdistrict. This observational study uses a cross-sectional design. The data from 200 teenagers chosen by consecutive sampling were collected through a self-administered online questionnaire and analyzed using a rank Spearman test. Binary Logistic Regression was used for multivariat analysis. The results showed that telemedical and reproductive health literacy were sufficient. Age and education correlate positively to both telemedical literacy and reproductive health literacy. Reproductive health literacy also associates with Telemedical literacy (P-value 0.001; OR=28.667). Government and private health institutions must increase reproductive health campaigns through online media. Keywords: Literacy, Telemedical, reproductive health, adolescent Link:...

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