Author: ahla

Increasing Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Literacy in Sendangmulyo Village, Tembalang, Semarang

AUTHOR: FITRIA DEWI PUSPITA ANGGRAINI, APRIANTI APRIANTI, KISMI MUBAROKAH, RESPATI WULANDARI Abstract Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infectious disease caused by the Dengue virus and transmitted by the Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquito. Sendangmulyo sub-district is the area with the highest number of dengue fever cases among the sub-districts in the Kedungmundu Health Center working area with the majority of residents’ neighborhoods being residential complexes. Effort to control dengue hemorrhagic fever cases need to be increased by involving community participation. The problems faced by the community are the inconsistency of community knowledge and actions in efforts to eradicate mosquito nests in daily life, as well as the low level of public awareness in implementing habits to prevent cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever. The mentoring activities carried out were providing education regarding dengue hemorrhagic fever literacy and its prevention, followed by brainstorming regarding the root causes of the dengue problem in the Sendangmulyo area by producing a Follow-up Plan for implementing regional-based case reduction. Statistically, the pretest-posttest score difference test value for the knowledge, attitude and literacy variables respectively is 2.444 (p=0.015 <0.05); 2.142 (p=0.032 < 0.05) and 1.222 p=0.222 > 0.05). There is a significant difference in the mean pretest and posttest scores on the measurement of knowledge and attitude variables. The follow-up plan agreed upon by residents is the PKK Grebeg Jentik Movement, inspection of larvae...

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The Correlation Between e-Health Literacy Competencies and Self-management of COVID-19 Disease (Case Study of Health Information Managements Students in Semarang)

AUTHOR: ENNY RACHMANI, HAIKAL HAIKAL, ETI RIMAWATI, M.G.C. YUANTARI, ANASTHASYA NISRINA ARIFIN, PRIMA PRATIWI, KRHISNA PRYMADITYA ACHMAD Abstract Introduction: Mass open communication via social media and the internet causes infodemics and information gaps. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a driving force in global adoption of digital technology such as the internet, including in Indonesia. Individuals need eHealth literacy to assess the information they are overwhelmed with critically. This study is the first paper exploring eHealth literacy related to self-management COVID-19. Method: This study used a case study approach. An online questionnaire was distributed to health information management (HIM) vocational students of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro and got 245 responses. The questionnaire was constructed and modified from eHeals and Corona Virus disease advice for the public from WHO. Result: This study reveals that competency in evaluation information is the lowest score than competencies in access, managing, and integrating health information. This study found that eHealth literacy related to self-management COVID-19 (r = 2.69, p = 0.000) means competencies managing health information in HIM students relate to knowledge, attitude, and practice COVID-19. Discussion: This study found that 6.5% of HIM’s students still believe in conspiracy theory and politics; furthermore, 71.4% are still unsure how to respond to this issue. Future research needs to be conducted to explore eHealth literacy and Self-management COVID-19 in the community and compare them with this study. Keywords: Covid-19, Deception, Digital health literacy, eHealth literacy, Self-Management...

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Structural Equation Model of Articles Covid-19 on Social Media to Health Literacy and Behavior Among Health Information Students

AUTHOR: EVINA WIDIANAWATI, WIDYA RATNA WULAN, IKA PANTIAWATI Abstract: The COVID-19 infodemic is spreading through social media and website requires people to be able to evaluate information during a pandemic. Health literacy is the key to evaluating the infodemic and to get the decision making on health behavior. Health information students primarily use digital technologies such as social media to get information about covid-19 so that students need to have good health literacy to evaluate infodemic. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of covid-19 article content on health literacy and health behavior among health information students. Data were collected using a questionnaire on 142 health information students then analyzed descriptively and using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method. The results of the descriptive analysis show that 70% of students access covid-19 information through social media mainly using Instagram, where more than half of students access covid-19 article content <= once a day by reading and liking the article. Based on the results of SEM, it is known that the most important factor of the article content is trustworthy content, the most important factor of health literacy is adherence to prevention and the most important factor of health behavior is reducing contact with other people. From the results of the SEM effect test, it is known that there is a direct effect of content articles on...

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Stunting Education Using The Brainstorming Method to Increase Mother Literacy in Banyumas Regency

AUTHOR: IKA PANTIAWATI, WIDYA RATNA WULAN, EVINA WIDIANAWATI, TIARA FANI Abstract: The limited information obtained by mothers is one of the obstacles in producing correct stunting information. This community service aims to increase mother literacy about stunting toddlers in the stunting locus village, Banyumas Regency using the brainstorming method. The stages of the program start from preparation, pre-test, giving material and post-test. The results of the pre-test and post-test showed that mothers’ knowledge about stunting increased by 37% compared to before assistance. Knowledge that has increased the most is about how to handle stunting in toddlers (79%). However, there is no increase in knowledge about how to vary food that is good for stunting toddlers. Stunting education assistance activities using the brainstorming method need to be carried out routinely for mothers of stunting toddlers to increase their knowledge and change the behavior in handling stunting in their toddlers so that the prevalence of stunting can decrease. Keywords: Education, Brainstorming, Stunting, Knowledge Link:...

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Nutrition Fact Literacy in Productive Age Communities in Semarang City, Indonesia

AUTHOR: APRIANTI APRIANTI, KISMI MUBAROKAH, MG CATUR YUANTARI, NIS SYIFA’UR RAHMA Background:Lack of attention to reading nutritional value information labels on packaged food can harm one’s health, such as an increased risk of obesity and degenerative diseases. The results of a study by the National Consumer Protection Agency stated that only 6.7% of consumers in Indonesia paid attention to nutritional value information labels. Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship between demographic characteristics and nutritional value information literacy. Methods: This quantitative study with a cross-sectional design was conducted on Semarang City residents aged 15-65. The sample size used the Slovin formula so that a minimum sample size of 1,029 respondents was selected using multistage random sampling based on characteristics of educational level and social status. The relationship between nutrition fact literacy and demographic characteristics was used using the Chi-Square statistical test, and the relationship between nutrition factliteracy and body mass index using the Spearman Rank statistical test. Results: The study showed that nutrition fact literacy was still problematic, 96.1%. Respondents have normal nutritional status, as much as 64.1%. Factors related to nutrition fact literacies were educational level (p=0.039, OR=1.968) and occupation (p=0.002, OR=4.668). Demographic variables unrelated are domicile, gender, marital status, and residence status. There is no relationship between nutrition fact literacy and nutritional status. Conclusions: Respondents with low nutritional value information literacy live in rural areas, are...

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