Author: ahla


Author : Sri Handayani, Kismi Mubarokah   Maternal population is a high-risk population in certain severity for diseases. For maintaining pregnancy health, maternal need enough literacy to decide on accessing health services as needed. Study aimed to measuring health literacy of maternal and the influence of knowledge for health literacy. The study was cross sectional study, data collected with interview used HLQ-16 questionnaire. Sample of study was 34 maternal in working area of public health centre of Semarang city. Correlation of knowledge and health literacy tested with pearson product moment and simple logistic regression test. Result showed the level of health literacy among maternal was 41.2% problematic, 32.4% inadequate, and 26.5% sufficient. Education level was 58.8% bachelor degree and 41.2% high school. The experience of pregnancy in average was twice. Average age of maternal was 29 years, with youngest age was 20 years. Knowledge on pregnancy was 44.1% above the group average (13,5;2,8). That was significant correlation between knowledge and health literacy (pvalue: 0.02, r: 0.4). Knowledge was factor influenced health literacy of maternal (pvalue: 0.039, R2 : 0.159). Health promotion and education of pregnancy is need to perform intensively among maternal to increase health literacy. Posyandu can be used as facility on performing health promotion and education for maternal.   Link...

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TB literacy on Islamic Boarding School Students (Santri)

Author : Sri Andarini Indreswari, Nurjanah, Sri Handayani, Kismi Mubarokah, Yusthin M. Manglapy Background: Tuberculosis is a reemerging disease which is an important problem in Indonesia that puts Indonesia in the second position of the biggest TB prevalence in the world. Indonesia is one of 27 MDR TB high burden countries worldwide. In 2016, 2293 were confirmed as MDR TB/RR TB and 62% new cases were enrolled. Tuberculosis is an airborne disease that can be a threat for people who live together in the same place for a long period, such as in boarding school. This research aimed to explore TB literacy among (santri) in Baitussalam Boarding School Semarang. Methods: This was observational study with cross sectional design. The respondents were 106 male santri grade 7 and 8 in Baitussalam Boarding School Semarang. The self-administered questionnaire contained demographic variables, TB literacy 16 questions, knowledge 10 questions, was used to collect data and chi square test was used to data analysis. TB literacy divided into two categories based on total score (>47, and <=47). Results: Result showed that 33% of santri has difficulty to find information about TB, 26.4% said that was quite hard to understand information from media about TB, 27.4% was not understand that TB need to follow medication until six months. 30.1% stated that was hard to assess why it is needed vaccination for TB. Santri were 46.2%...

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CAPI: Metode Survei Literasi Kesehatan di Filipina

Metode CAPI yang digunakan untuk Literasi Kesehatan di Filipina Video diatas menggambarkan metode Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) yang sedang digunakan dalam Survei Literasi Kesehatan Nasional di Negara Filipina oleh AHLA Country Office Philippines, yang berbasis di Universitas Filipina – Sekolah Tinggi Kesehatan Masyarakat. Dalam CAPI, program komputer digunakan untuk mengubah kertas kuesioner menjadi bentuk digital. Pewawancara akan memasukkan tanggapan (input) langsung ke komputer atau gadget seperti tablet atau iPad. Proses terpisah dari entri data manual untuk mentransfer tanggapan dari bentuk kertas kuesioner ke format elektronik tidak lagi diperlukan dalam CAPI. Akibatnya, kesalahan pengkodean (yang dapat mempengaruhi keakuratan hasil),...

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SANTAI Tahukah Kamu bahwa depresi bisa berakibat fatal seperti bunuh diri. Tetapi sebenarnya depresi itu bisa dicegah dengan pola hidup SANTAI. Pola hidup santai dengan Sharing, Aktivitas fisik, Nikmati Hidup, Tidur Cukup, Asupan Nutrisi, dan Ingat Tuhan dan Berpikir...

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