Hubungan antara Akses Informasi Tuberculosis dengan Health Literacy Petugas Puskesmas Bandarharjo Semarang

Author: Fitria Dewi Puspita Anggraini, Lenci Aryani, Ririn Nurmandhani   Cakupan Case Detection Rate tuberkulosis Kota Semarang terus mengalami peningkatan. Tingginya angka kasus tuberkulosis di Kota Semarang dapat disebabkan oleh rendahnya health literacy. Health literacy adalah kemampuan seorang individu untuk memperoleh, memproses dan memahami informasi kesehatan dasar dan layanan yang dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Terdapat korelasi yang kuat antara health literacy yang rendah dengan penggunaan layanan kesehatan yang tidak efisien dan merugikan status kesehatan. Petugas puskesmas merupakan stakeholder yang berperan penting dalam memberikan pemahaman optimal terkait health literacy. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui keterkaitan akses informasi dengan status health literacy petugas puskesmas. Penelitian ini mengukur dua variabel demografi dan akses informasi tuberkulosis yang dikaitkan dengan health literacy petugas puskesmas. Design penelitian observasional dengan sampel penelitian adalah seluruh petugas di Puskesmas Bandarharjo yang berjumlah 52 orang. Data diambil dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis menggunakan chi-square untuk mengetahui hubungan masing-masing variabel. Sebanyak 75% responden adalah tenaga kesehatan. Sebagian besar responden (51,9%) memiliki lama kerja <5 tahun. Tingkat health literacy petugas terkait dengan tuberkulosis masih kurang (65,4%). Sebanyak 98,1% responden sudah pernah mendapatkan informasi tentang tuberkulosis. Tidak ada hubungan antara jabatan, lama kerja dan akses informasi tuberkulosis dengan health literacy petugas di Puskesmas Bandarharjo.   Link:...

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e-Health Literacy (eHEALS) Mahasiswa: Mudah Mengakses Informasi, Sulit Membuat Keputusan Terkait Kesehatan

Author : Nurjanah, Sri Soenaryati, Enny Rachmani   Latar Belakang: Internet memudahkan orang untuk mengakses informasi, khususnya informasi kesehatan. Namun demikian, banyaknya informasi yang tersedia harus diikuti dengankemampuan oranguntuk bisa memilih dan mengevaluasi kebenaran informasi tersebut. Mahasiswa kesehatan yang mempunyai kemudahan akses terhadap informasi di internet belum tentu memiliki kemampuan untuk menilai kebenaran informasi tersebut, padahal kemampuan itu akan sangat penting sebagai bekal mereka menjadi petugas kesehatan. Norman dan Skinner telah membuat instrument penilaian health literacy yang lebih sering disebut eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS).Penelitian ini akan menilai bagaimana kemampuan eHEALS mahasiswa Prodi Kesehatan Masyarakat FakultasKesehatan Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. Metode:Penelitian ini adalah survey dengan metode pengisian angket. Selain kuesioner standar eHEALS dengan 8 pertanyaan, pada penelitian ini dipakai juga kuesioner Health Literacy 16-EU. Data diolah dengan SPSS dan disajikan dalam tabel frekuensi eHEALS dan uji korelasi dengan menggunakan spearman rank. Hasil:Dari total 8 pertanyaan eHEALS dengan skala likert (1-5) mendapatkan hasil rata-rata 30 (min 23, maks 40, SD 3,2).Sebagian besar jawaban responden tentang eHEALS mengarah ke skor yang baik, namun demikian masih sulit dan tidak bisa memutuskan apakah memiliki ketrampilan untuk mengevaluasi informasi kesehatan yang ditemukan di internet (35,4%). Kesulitan yang lebih besar dialami oleh responden untuk menentukan informasi kesehatan yang berkualitas dan yang tidak berkualitas di internet (48,8%). Bahkan, 54,8% responden sulit untuk merasa yakin menggunakan informasi dari internet untuk membuat keputusan tentang kesehatan.Skor eHEALS berhubungan signifikan denganhealth literacy....

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Media Use Behavior and Health Literacy on High School Students in Semarang

Author : Nurjanah, Sri Soenaryati, and Enny Rachmani   Background: Health Literacy is an ability of people to gain access, understand, appraise and use information to promote and maintain good health. Research on adolescent health literacy is very important considering health literacy will help them maintain their health and get a good quality of life in the future. This paper provides evidences of the correlation between media use and health literacy. Methods: This study was a cross sectional survey on 140 respondents. The study population was the X and XI grade of two high schools in Semarang. The questionnaire of health literacy consisted of HLS-EU-16 and eHEALS (eHealth Literacy Scale). Spearman Rank and Chi Square were used for data analysis. Results: Factors associated to health literacy on high school students were health information access from internet (p=0008, Rho=0.224), mobile phone (p=0012, Rho 0.213), social media (p-value 0.000, Rho 0.399) attending extracurricular activity (p-value 0.043), medical/health training in family (p-value 0.001), and eHEALS (p-value 0.000, Rho 0.421). Conclusion: Low health literacy still be a problem on high school students. They were very easy to access online health information but had difficulties to evaluate the right and trusted health information. It is suggested to improve the health literacy of students through social media and give the capacity to choose the right information.   Link...

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Density and hotspots of outdoor tobacco advertising around schools in Semarang, Indonesia: Geospatial analysis

Author : Nurjanah, Yusthin Merianti Manglapy, Sri Handayani   Background: Indonesia has the second-highest smoking prevalence among adult males in the world, with over 61.4 million current smokers. However, there is no national regulation on outdoor tobacco advertising. Objective: The study aims to assess the density and hotspots of outdoor tobacco advertisements around schools in Indonesia with Semarang city as an example. Methods: We conducted geospatial analyses using buffer and hotspot analyses using advertisement and school data in ArcMap 10.6. We statistically test the significance of different densities, including between area 100 meter and 100-300-meter buffers from schools using Stata 15.1. Results: We found a total of 3,453 advertisements, of which 3,026 (87%) were at least medium in size (1.3×l.9 meters), and 2,556 (74%) were within 300 meters from schools. We also found a 45% higher density of advertisements within 100-meter around schools (compared to within 100-300 meters). There were 378 schools (39%) were in the advertisement hotspots. Conclusion: There were high density and significant hotspots of outdoor tobacco advertising around schools in Semarang city. Policy implications were discussed.   Link...

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Health Literacy and Health Behavior in the Rural Areas

Author : Nurjanah dan Kismi Mubarokah   Health literacy is a very important skill to navigate people doing health behavior and achieving good quality of life. Peopl ewho live in rural area potentially have lower health literacy since they have limited access to health information and healthcare. the study aims to assess the health literacy and health behavior of family leader (father or mother) of limbangan residents. The was a survey with cross-sectional design conducted in November 2015 over 583 respondents, with HLS-EU-Q16 as an instrument. The chi-square test was used to analyze data. The most respondents having low health literacy, 19.2% of them had inadequate health literacy level, while 44.3% in problematic category and only 36,5% had sufficient health literacy. The health behavior factors related to health literacy were: toothbrushing (p value 0.004, PR 2.017), washing hand before eating (p value0.002, PR 2.175) and after defecation (p value 0.002, PR 2.175). The people who had low health literacy turn out to be a smoker although it is not correlated significantly. Health literacy had an important role to health behavior that contributed to health status.The access of health information and health care should be improved.   Link...

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