Author: Fitria Anggraini Aprianti Dian Puspitaningtyas Laksana Fitria Wulandari


Pediatric pulmonary tuberculosis cases in Semarang City in 2017 increased compared to 2016 with 916 cases. Puskesmas Bandarharjo is the area with the highest TB sufferers in Semarang City. The discovery of pediatric TB cases at Puskemas Bandarharjo in 2016-2019 fluctuated up to 43 cases spread across 4 urban villages,. The high number of tuberculosis cases in Semarang City can be caused by low health literacy. Low health literacy will affect pulmonary tuberculosis prevention behavior so that it will increase the number of cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between health literacy and parental prevention behavior against cases of pediatric pulmonary tuberculosis at Puskesmas Bandarharjo, Semarang. Primary data collection was carried out by Puskesmas Bandarharjo cadres using a questionnaire The questionnaire contains questions that related the demographic characteristics, 10 questions about tuberculosis prevention behavior and 15 questions regarding health literacy. The sampling technique was consecutive sampling with a total sample of 92 people. The analysis used in this research is univariate and bivariate analysis. Univariate analysis was carried out to provide an overview of the research variables in the form of a percentage distribution. Bivariate analysis was performed using chi-square to determine the relationship of each variable. There is a significant relationship between parental income per month with the incidence of child pulmonary tuberculosis p value 0,037 (p<0,005) and there is no significant relationship between the age of the respondent p value 0,788 (p>0,050), the level of parental education p value 0,842 and 0,407 (p>0,050), health literacy p value 0,059 (p>0,005) and parental prevention behavior p value 0,296 (p>0,005) towards the incidence of pediatric pulmonary tuberculosis in Puskesmas Bandarharjo Semarang. Parental income related with the economic status of the family which contributes to the incidence of child pulmonary tuberculosis, because the parental income will lead to dwellings in densely populated, slum settlements and it is difficult to meet children’s nutritional needs. The factor that influences the cases of pediatric pulmonary tuberculosis is parental income.

