Author : Nurjanah, Enny Rachmani, Yusthin M. Manglapy


Introduction: Health literacy is new term in Indonesia but it has become a health determinant in the world. Health education institutions, such as the Faculty of Health Sciences yields graduates who eventually became a health provider. Assessment of health literacy on students is very important because they come from different high schools, different regions, who have different social backgrounds, cultures and access to information and health services. Methods: This was cross sectional study, used online questionnaire. The study population was first semester 285 students at Faculty of Health Sciences of Dian Nuswantoro University, until the end of the study period, 69 students filled out the online questionnaire form. The questionnaire of health literacy consisted of HLS-EU-16 (Health Literacy Survey-Europe-16 Questions), eHEALS (eHealth Literacy Scale) and NVS (The Newest Vital Sign). Results: Low health literacy problems were happened on 31.9% of respondents. Factors associated with health literacy on student were age, frequency of access to health information through TV and radio, access to health information through the internet and mobile phones, eHEALS, functional health information / NVS. Respondents who had good health literacy tended to use health services actively and more likely to ask questions during a consultation with a doctor. Health literacy correlated with general health conditions.


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